Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The perfect beat.

There is a place a few of us know. It is between work and worry, between our bills we pay and our lives we live. A moment that exists for only a space of a few minutes when that perfect song goes from our favorite record into our ears. If you could capture it in a few words this feeling is what the legends would call ascending with angels. The perfect pitch on the beat that rings through the room and we can't control the emotion. We shake our heads and our hearts beat, it is our moment. Genius, but does it matter to us? Ask a friend, who is your favorite band? If they answer with "I don't know." or "I listen to everything." they are missing the essence of why we live. You can classify a band into a genre that is made up of a kid who shops at the local thrift store because he wants to dress like his favorite 'underground' rock star but is it really anything more than rock and roll? It is a music that unites people and makes them scream with their hearts and their souls. It fills them with a substance that is, for a few minutes, an escape from their jobs, their parents, from the test we take tomorrow or the dad that is an alcoholic, from themselves. It has been said that music is a window to the heavens; I would go a step further and say that Rock and Roll is the back door. In our culture of art and music today we have no leaders. We listen to pop radio and with little thought of who those people are and what they stand for we take it in and pay them royalties. We do not care if they stand for something or if they beat their children or their spouses. We listen to the beat day to day and when their talent runs out, or when their writers can no longer write a hit, we turn the radio to another station for another band that blindly leads us to an endless trail of meaningless crap. We have not seen a leader in music in years. The last real revolution was in the early nineties and now we are stuck in a groove of a record stuck playing backwards that keeps skipping so we hear the same generic crap over and over again. This isn't because we have lost taste in music. This is because we have lost interest. The great rock and roll bands still exist, they are playing in a garage or someone’s basement tonight and tomorrow. Teenage kids who would love a chance to be heard. Dreaming that someday people will wake up and realize that music is not about violence and death and things that keep us in despair and feeling in desperation or that this music is cool. It is how you feel and it has to relate to you. Music is motivated by love or hate. There is an overwhelming amount of heartbreak and a committee of suits waiting to write a new song about the relationship that didn't work out and then go home to their wives and children and spend the weekend at the summer home on the coast. Love motivates us day by day moving us to be better individuals to be needed and wanted by another person who we happened to have something in common with. No one understands how it works but everyone knows that every great song was inspired by love and every great artist knows heartache. Wives, husbands, children, boyfriends, girlfriends, we all know what it is like to feel these being taken away. Rock and roll is the talent to put that into a song and not care at all who thinks it is great except for you. You are one person, and one opinion is enough to inspire a war. Change the music. Find someone with meaning to take you in a direction you can feel has worth and meaning. Find a leader that you can respect and who we can cherish for our children. Someone you can buy a record from today and your grandchildren will pull out and say this is their moment. This is the moment when their record hits the perfect note and their foot begins to tap. Find that moment. Find the perfect beat.